Friday, January 28, 2011

Celebrate Recovery, 12 Steps

Stephan will be off probation in a month. Its been a year! We've discussed his failed drug tests with the probation officer. They talk rehab, but don't press it. Stephan personally knows several kids who have been and out of rehab like walking through a revolving door! That's no comfort to me as he laughs about it. His "friends" don't take it seriously either.

Since we found out about the Black Magic he had been smoking we have decided that after probation, he needs to find himself in another atmosphere of encouragement, accountability and partnership. I had mentioned Celebrate Recovery before, and after Richard and I talked it over again we think this is where he needs to be. The question is: Is this where Stephan thinks he needs to be? After talking it over with the director and a few others who have been through the program, the answer for us is this is where he needs to be and at his age... we decide where he needs to be. He didn't want to go... but he went the first night. Richard will be going through the book with him at home as well for added help. We were told that if we can get him to come, that a few visits may allow Stephan to see that this "is" where he needs to be. He will receive love, not judgement. He will receive encouragement, not condemnation. He will find true love through Christ and forgiveness.. and a sense of worth and purpose in this world. I am praying that Stephan will get so much from this. We have to try everything we can before he's out of our home... He needs Christ... He will not get Christ at Rehab, or counseling. We tried counseling... Now, counseling may work great for some, but in our case.. it didn't. Stephan didn't like the guy and wouldn't go back to see someone else. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered group similar to AA, but Christian...

What is Celebrate Recovery?

"Celebrate Recovery was founded in 1991 by Pastor John Baker of Saddleback Church with the goal of overcoming habits like sex disorders and drug addictions with a twelve-step program based on Christian principles. Other churches and some prisons implemented the program, and as of March 2004 more than 150,000 people are said to have participated. At the Faith-Based and Community Initiative Conference in 2004, U.S. President George W. Bush praised Celebrate Recovery as being able to "change hearts" where government cannot.
Although Celebrate Recovery meetings are similar to those of other twelve-step programs, one difference is in their focus on Christianity. The program stresses that there is no other Higher Power except for Jesus, as opposed to groups like Alcoholics Anonymous which encourage members to choose their own concept of a Higher Power. Another difference is that Celebrate Recovery does not require one to conform to a singleness of purpose declaration, a member does not have to qualify oneself as an alcoholic, addict, or gambler—there are no requirements for membership. You may attend with a desire to work the steps for healing with any number of "hurts, hang-ups or habits" (compulsive behaviors)."

Lord, please use this to speak to Stephan. Help him to see that you are love and that he is loved. Help him to seek after you with his whole heart. Help him to find you... May he be embrased by You through those who seek to help him. Help him to begin to want to help himself. It's only until then that he will recieve help at all... In Jesus Name, Amen...