Monday, February 27, 2012

Court and Surgery

This Tuesday we have to be in court with the guy who broke Stephan's jaw. We are only trying to get back our money that we paid for this whole ordeal! Breaking someone's jaw is a felony, plain and simple! Our Doctor told us that if Stephan had been hit another inch or so above where he was hit that it could have been fatal!

I wrote about how his jaw was broken in a previous post, but just a little reminder... This guy thought that Stephan shot him a straight finger.. come to find out he thought Stephan was someone else! Stephan didn't actually do anything wrong! Plus, this guy is Stephan's age and I really don't think you should go around breaking someone's jaw for such a minor thing in the first place!

The day after court, we have to take Stephan to have the surgery to remove the screws from his jaw... This is going to be a hard week for us. I am not looking forward to tomorrow at all. I really hate taking this guy to court. I know that he's someone's baby, just as Stephan is mine, but like I said, the blow could have been fatal! Plus, we have also found out that this guy has quite a wrap sheet at 19 years of age! I am just praying that "this" will be the thing that helps him turn his life around. I know he probably doesn't have the money and we'll never see a dime. In that case, he'll spend time in jail. I just don't think he should be allowed to get away with it! SO... many prayers needed for tomorrow.