Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I just read back over my last post and wow, have things changed! All my indecisiveness has turned to hope! I had wrote about trying to help Stephan to get his finances in order and working on a plan. He has done all of that himself this week! He GOT the job at Five Guys!!! He started the very next day! Before his interview I earnestly prayed that Stephan would somehow find favor in the eyes of the manager. The lady he interviewed with said that she was going to re interview two other guys, but told Stephan that she really liked him and gave him the job on the spot!

Looking back over the whole situation- While I was sitting on a rock praying by the lake the day Five Guys left those messages on Richard's phone... I realized that they left the messages at the same time I was praying! I had also prayed that Stephan would be able to be in an environment with a few good people...that he would possibly be able to learn from one of the managers to advance himself in business management, because this is something Stephan had wanted to take a few years ago when he graduated high school.

Well, let me just share that Stephan works with 98% Hispanic guys! The two managers are from Madagascar. There are two other Caucasian people... The reason I write this is because Stephan has had some racial issues in the past. I have no idea where these ideas come from, but they were there.. On his first day, he said a negative comments about "Mexicans." I reminded him that, sure there are some mean Mexicans in this world, there are also mean black people and mean "white" people! The color of your skin doesn't determine your worth or your personality! I am proud to say that when we pulled up this morning Stephan said, "Hey, there's Moses! I love my Mexicans!" : ) I laughed! Let me also say that Stephan is the ONLY person that works at Five Guys that smokes cigarettes! The ONLY ONE! OK, is it me or do we see the hand of God all over this??

We went in to visit Stephan at work one day. Richard's favorite restaurant is Five Guys, so he's eaten there since the store opened! He's also became very acquainted with one of the managers, so when we went in, the manager put two and two together and realized Stephan was Richard's son! He smiled, was very pleased and said Stephan was doing a great job. He also joked around with Richard and told him that he was working on Stephan about that smoking! He told Richard he smoked for years and he realized how hard it was to quit, but he was talking to him. Oh my goodness, it just doesn't get any better than this!

When Stephan worked at his last job.... the manager smoked pot with all the employees back in the back while frying chicken... yes... really happened! You can't imagine how over joyed I am.

I am also happy to say that Stephan was off today, but he talked to them yesterday about working today and they let him come in! "He" did that too! He said he needed to get his tickets paid for, then begin working on paying his other stuff off. He's keeping his room clean too! Stephan is really OCD. He's never had a problem keeping his room clean, but when he's on drugs, I notice that nothing in his life is clean or orderly! He's either an all in or all out kind of guy. When he's all "in," he follows a specific regimen and wants to have order in every area of his life. While this is good... Stephan still needs to learn not to throw in the towel when one little thing goes wrong or gets out of order in his life. He has had a pattern of doing that in the past. I'm trying my best to encourage him every day. I told him how proud I was of him this morning for working today when he didn't have too. I have wondered lately- Who is this kid and what did he do with my son?

The only lumps and bumps that we have experienced is him going out with Caleb. That just makes me nervous. He does come home on time... and he is not intoxicated! Just last night, he told me he'd be home at 10, because he needed to get in the bed, since he had to work the next day! (Again, who is this guy? : ) ) Anyway, he was home at 10:01 and apologized for being one minute late! He and Caleb did go to Elevate, a church service again last Sunday night, which was awesome! Richard called Caleb's phone and heard the music in the back ground, so we know they were there... They also went to a Bible Study Monday night! Shocker!!! Caleb wanted to go. Stephan said he only went because Caleb wanted to go... but hey, it's progress! I am surprised at Caleb! Perhaps God is working in his heart. I tell you, I've been praying Caleb away and any other person that can negatively influence Stephan, but maybe, just maybe God is working on him too. I also have to realize that I can't keep Stephan from making mistakes, just like I can't make him make good choices. Plus, in reality, there really isn't anyone that can negatively influence Stephan... He has done a pretty good job in the past by making bad decisions all on his own without the influence of anyone!

I'm trying not to be so hard-nosed... We're giving him some freedoms. He still doesn't have a phone or a car, but he's doing well and "he" is doing it, because he wants too! We are just assisting and this is where we've wanted to be with him for so long! It took kicking him out endless times for him to reach this point, but we're here and I pray we stay here and things only get better. He's got a lot of trust to earn back you know?

God seems to be orchestrating so many things lately... It's amazing to watch him work! I pray that Stephan will begin to seek after Him and realize that he's been offered another chance at life. He is in the rebuilding process and it's going great! Stephan has also been researching (on his own) the harmful effects of the drugs he was taking on the human body! I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears for that matter, hearing Stephan talk about things he didn't know. He was pretty disturbed.

I have to remind myself that even in the calm, I need to be praying for Stephan now more than ever. The battle isn't over, it may have just begun. He's working hard... and I am one proud mama. I feel as if I'm sitting in a grassy meadow, breathing in the fresh morning air, watching, as the sun makes it's grand appearance upon the horizon. I begin to feel it's warmth on my face and I smile, knowing it's going to come up again tomorrow.... and that the darkness has subsided.