Monday, August 19, 2013

Answered Prayer Comes In the Most Unsuspecting Ways....

I should really update more.. I've had so much going on here.. I'm still unpacking! Stephan's been here for seven weeks and he's growing in so many ways. There's lots of things I notice every day that are definite changes! He doesn't really talk to any of his old friends besides Caleb and Rainey. He's made only a few comments to others on facebook, but for the most part, that seems to be fading away. He's separating himself from his old life. I feel so sorry for him when it comes to Rainey.... Stephan's such a romantic. He really cares for her and still sends her messages and talks to her. She may or may not respond and when she does it's quick and possibly an "I'll get back to you later." Stephan's preparing himself for her or himself to find another special person in their life. He just seems to think about it more than she does. He's going to make such a good husband one day when he finds that one person who truly completes him in every way. That one person who he really connects with- on a friendship basis and emotionally. Then later- on every level! True love....

Stephan's not really looking for true love right now and I think that's really mature of him. He's still going to church with us, he's still working- very hard I might add! He even volunteers for Saturdays and works over time! These Saturdays are offering him very nice paychecks! : ) Stephan's opened up a checking account and savings and is working toward buying a car he really likes. He is establishing an emergency fund- he's tithing! He is being very responsible. I am very proud of him.

One thing that's bothering him is turning 21. I'm so glad that he's open and honest with us about it. We had a discussion last night about his concerns and I hope he was encouraged. We talked about Satan, temptation, and hiding God's Word in our hearts. We talked about Jesus being tempted by Satan and how he used the Word of God to fight him off!

Everyday, Stephan is growing and changing. He's growing up... He even talks about how he thinks he's changed. He met someone the other day that's probably 45 years old and they have not grown up yet!!! Stephan marveled at the fact of how someone could be that old and still act like a teenager.... He said he did NOT want to be him in 25 years! Stephan wants a home, a wife and children one day : ) I want that for him too.

Everyday we try to encourage him and let him know we're here for him. Yesterday, Stephan wanted to go to the driving range and even though Richard was going, he wanted me to go to! I really wasn't feeling well, but I went anyway, because he acted so disappointed that I may stay here. That really made me feel special. --That he really wanted me to be there. We wound up having a blast! It was a good day...

On another note: I went to Alabama last week to see my other babies! Brandon, Ellie and little Jeremiah... Oh, it was so good to see them! I may not have put Jeremiah down all week!! He's seven months old now and sweet as ever. We had a good time of worship that week, good food and good shopping : ) The best part was kissing and snuggling on my baby... and the talks we all had together. In about eight weeks, Brandon and Ellie are going to El Salvador on a missions trip. "I" get to keep Jeremiah!!! They're driving up for a visit, then leaving him with us. We will be driving him back home--- maybe! : ) I might just keep him- haha! I can't wait, because leaving that baby every time we leave Alabama rips me to shreds.

I never, ever in a million years would dream that God loved us so much to answer our prayers for Stephan like he has. He moved us all the way to WI for Stephan to start over. I didn't see it coming! It was devastating news at the time and I suffered greatly moving away from Brandon and his family... but God knows the plans He has for us... plans to give us hope and a future. He sees the big picture! All we have to do is be faithful... even in the depths of despair and when we don't understand!

I love you Lord... I lift my voice to give you praise.............