Monday, May 2, 2011

Praying for Repentance

Stephan is still living on his own. He still hasn't got a car. There is a hold up on his title, so we are not able to complete things with the insurance company as far as getting the check for his car. He calls regularly wanting to do some odd jobs for money. We have let him, but today, my husband drew another line. We can't continually allow him to work for us. He must get a job. He's put in three applications, but no luck. Richard told him that he wouldn't allow him to work today. We feel as if it is allowing him to postpone some real hard core choices that he must make for himself! It hurts not to help, but we can not enable him either.

We've had our security alarm activated on our house... We just can't trust him. Not right now. I tell you, nothing hurts a mother's heart more than a wayward child. I love him so much, but can't assist him in any way that will help him in this situation he has chosen for himself!

Richard and I discussed the Prodigal Son once again yesterday. The son was repentant when he returned. Every time Stephan comes to our home, something breaks! He broke the windshield in my Richard's truck with a basketball when he came for a visit. He broke the water hose nozzle. He lost the spring out of the weed eater Saturday. They searched and searched and could not find it. Richard recognizes the enemy when he sees him.

Richard was praying for Stephan out in the yard while he was looking for the spring the next day. As soon as he said the words, "the prodigal son was repentant, but Stephan is not," he found the spring! It was like it was God's way of showing him that our prodigal might be on our property, but he has not returned and he is not repentant!

Oh, how I pray for a repentant son... God speak to him. Allow him to know you are there. Allow him to see your hand. May it be unmistakable! Lord, keep him safe.... Protect him from himself.