Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A letter to Stephan

The following letter is a letter I wrote to Stephan today. During Christmas, we went to my mother's house. My sisters children came over and spent the day with us. Jade is 14, Isaiah is 8. Jade nor Isaiah have grown up in church and have never even heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.... except from me. I have talked to Jade numerous times, but it's hard for her because our talks are not being cultivated by any other source. Living nine hours from her, it's hard to keep a relationship going except by facebook, e-mail and letters in the mail- which I have made a point to do through the years.

When we visit NC, Isaiah has taken to Stephan, especially in the last two years. I can tell by his eight year old expressions that he thinks Stephan is just SO cool!! He wants Stephan to play with him and wants to impress Stephan with things he knows how to do. Little boys are so impressionable at his age. I was so proud of Stephan for taking the time this Christmas to "play" with Isaiah and make him feel excepted.. silly giggles and all!

I noticed that Stephan and Isaiah stayed in the back bedroom for quite sometime. My husband went in there a few times and was told to leave... that they were talking. After about an hour Isaiah came into the living room, looked at Richard and said, "Do you pray... like everyday?" Richard was sort of taken by surprise, but told him that as a matter of fact, he does! Isaiah began to ask Richard question after question... He showed Richard a piece of paper he had in his pocket. Richard noticed it was Stephan's handwriting. Stephan had wrote down how to be saved and make Jesus Christ your Savior. He wrote scripture after scripture.... I had never been so proud. Isaiah told Richard that Stephan and he had prayed "what was on that paper" in the bedroom. Ok, tears.... tears!

Richard began to tell Isaiah (with Stephan in the room) all about Jesus and why he was born. He told him the Christmas story.. a story he had never heard. Isaiah wanted Stephan to buy him a "kids Bible" so that he could understand God. Now that we are home, we are getting it shipped to him from Stephan.

My heart is exploding with joy.... Stephan knows so much truth, yet he deny's God's power in his own life at times. He knows others need Him and leads them to Him, yet he runs.

I am reminded that God answered a prayer of mine a while back, a prayer that let me know that He in fact has a mighty plan for Stephan's life. It was on the day he got his drivers license. I sat there on a bench in the courthouse and prayed for Stephan as he went to take his drivers test. I prayed that the work that God started in Stephan years ago would be completed one day. I prayed for God's plan for Stephan's life... When Stephan came back, the officer said there was something special about Stephan and that God had a plan for his life! Ok, Knock me down! Such a God moment. And you know, Stephan has such great potential, he's the only one who can't see it at times. God does have great things in store.... it was confirmed.

I stumbled across this heart wrenching video today and I wanted Stephan to watch it. The boy, Henry, died at the age of 18 from a long struggle with drug addiction in which he finally overdosed and passed away. It is a sad video and I cried for Henry's family. I sent it to Stephan for two reasons I guess. This first reason I never mentioned to him of course... but I hope he sees that drugs are a dead end street and how easy it was for this young boy to get to a point of no return. I hope he sees how much this family loved Henry and miss him terribly. The second reason, the main reason is hoping that he can see that he wants more out of life... I want him to say to himself that "God's put me here for many reason's... I know so much about drugs, about the habit, about the addiction. Perhaps I can tell my story to hopefully help guys and girls steer clear or to think about how much life "is" worth living and drugs are not worth doing!" I hope he sees that drugs are not a game to toy with one's life with and that he has the ability to help others that could be struggling with the same things that he is/has gone through. I hope he sees that with God, he can have victory over his struggles by helping others overcome theirs.

I wanted this letter to Stephan to be encouraging... I hope it is.... He has so much to give.

(The Letter:

Hey Baby,

I am sending you this link to a video. When you see it you may roll your eyes and not want to watch it... I love you with all that is in me and I am so very proud of you in so many ways. You have surprised me in so many ways.. good ways over the last few days. I was so proud of you for being such a good friend and example to Isaiah. He came to know God because of you and what a better time than Christmas! My heart wells up with gladness. I've told you that you are going to do great and mighty things for God one day! Things that me, dad or Brandon may never do... I told you that back in homeschool! I know God has plans for your life. What plans? I don't know, but you've won more people to the Lord than even I have as of yet! You have a story to tell... a story that can help people around you. You know, what you have been through, the devil means for evil, but God means for good. He never takes us through anything that we can't get through when we trust Him. He will never leave or forsake us. God allows certain things to come into our life and allows us to go through hard times. I think that as long as we keep our hand in his hand He will bring us through and He wants us to help others going through the same stuff we've been through by teaching people what we've learned!

I hope this video helps you discover where you want to go and what you want to do with your life, because you have so much to offer this world! People love you, kids are drawn to you... Isaiah said you were his best friend- that's what he told me! : ) People listen to you, you just have a way with people and I think you know it. I think you should start a blog about your journey over the past few years and attempt to help kids struggling with drug addiction. You may make more of a difference in this world than you know... You may save lives in more ways than you know! I can help you start one!

I know that you have a purpose... you have a mission.... you can help kids like the one in this video by choosing to be used and finding your place in this world! I love you with all my heart!

Last Probation Visit

Stephan's drug test came back clean again for a second time! I am praising the Lord....

We still have battles to fight. I have discovered that he has been drinking some and also got some ADHD medication from a friend. These two drugs do not show up on a drug test...

Although we are still at war, I feel as if some progress is being made, but I can't help feel somewhat helpless as we approach the end of his probation period. Will he fall back down into the deep, darkness that once encapsulated him? Oh, how I am praying not...

He is still his old self. He still has that spark that makes him "Stephan!" He finally has goals. He has plans to attend college and has called twice inquiring about what to take. He's making decisions and is looking for a full-time job!

We went to NC for Christmas and on Christmas Day he and his girlfriend decided to break up. She's going into the air force in seven months and the decision was mutual. I fear depression coming on. He's quiet, but happy... He's not devastated, or it doesn't seem that he is. Sometimes it's hard to tell. He is openly talking to me and Richard about the break-up, which I see as a good thing. He internalizes things at times and I just pray that he doesn't sink... I hope he's gained enough insight these last few months to swim! I pray that I can be encouraging enough to him and loving enough to help him through this. Break-ups are a big deal at his age.

Lord give us strength. Thank you for Your grace and mercy that reaches to the Heavens. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who intercedes for us when we don't know what to pray....
I lift my hands to you..... Protect and guide us. Help us... Keep my son in the palm of your mighty hand.