Friday, March 30, 2012

Speed Hump!

Wednesday evening I was getting ready for church. I had to be there early because I had to sing that night, so my nerves were simmering just a little. Tis a good thing- To be nervous about something good I think! I was listening to my music, praying, and painting my face, as daddy used to call it : ) All of a sudden, Stephan came running into my bathroom screaming something about my car windshield being broken and how someone must have done it while I was showering!! I guess my brain was on praise and prayer mode and I couldn't seem to adjust myself to the situation. I was in a state of brain fog for a minute or two trying to come to the realization that someone had come into my driveway and busted my windshield out!!! He also started blurting out things like, "can you fix this? you have insurance?

I began asking Stephan questions- now in frantic mode- as I made my way outside. As he showed me what he had been screaming about and began to tell me the story of how he discovered it. He said that he came outside, saw the windshield, looked for signs of a break in and walked around the house to see if he could see anyone fleeing the scene of the crime.

I stood there considering all the facts. I also considered that our car, and many other cars in our neighborhood have been broken into several times during the last five years. It was like 5:00 in the afternoon, people were fishing, nothing was taken, so why would someone just come bust my windshield and leave?

I asked Stephan if he had any enemies that may have come and done this thinking my car- was his car. Stephan said, "my car is parked out (front) and it's a Prelude. If they wanted to do this to me, they would have known I drove a Prelude, not an Infinity!" Of course, Stephan doesn't drive anything right now... but his car is parked out front.

As I investigated the big "smash" in my windshield, I looked at Stephan and told him that it looked like a basketball hit it. I said, "Were you playing basketball?" He said, "NO, I knew you would think I did it! I thought about not even telling you and just letting you find it yourself!" He said, "Are you calling the cops?" I told him of course I would if he didn't do it and that it needed to be reported! He said, "Well, you know I didn't pay those tickets yet and if they come here, they'll arrest me and I'll loose my job!" He said, " you call the cops and I'll leave, that way you can get it reported... Will the insurance pay for this?" I said, "Stephan if you did this, just be honest.." He said, "I'm leaving... I've been doing good lately- doing everything right.." I interrupted him and told him that he has to understand that he has told soooo many lies lately that we don't know what to believe. I told him that he simply has a lot of trust to earn back and my questioning him doesn't necessarily mean I'm accusing him, it just means we need to be honest with one another to begin the process of being able to trust again! Then I said, "If you didn't do it, I'll call Dad, he can call the cops- We DO have insurance... don't worry...!"

Richard came home and I drove his truck to church. Richard stayed behind to call the cops and Stephan did leave at some point. While I was at church, I admit I was a little shaken by the whole thing. I wanted to believe Stephan, I really did! But still, there was part of me that wondered why he would have lied about it. The other part of me wondered why someone else would bust my windshield out in BROAD daylight! I tried to put it all out of my mind and just focus on what was important. It was a great service!

I walked in the door when I got home and asked Richard if he called the cops, he said, no." Then he showed me a picture that he had taken with his phone that showed the print of a basketball on the hood of my car. We have had SO much pollen here, it's unbelievable! You had to be at the right angle to see it, but there it was.. a perfect, "yellow' print of a basketball. Richard and I began to discuss why he would have lied about it and we came up with two things:
One- He has really been trying to get his finances in order. He's looking forward to his first check that will hopefully pay off these two tickets and possibly.. pay for his cell phone bill. Which will mean he gets his phone back. Then he's going to work to pay Richard back a few hundred dollars he owes him, then he wants to get the insurance back on his car and pay that monthly! After he gets all this in order, he'll be on his way to whatever other goals he has in mind, but he'll be free from debt! He's got it all planned out, which is an awesome thing! I am so proud of him for working toward his goals. He even asked to work another day this week and they let him! Stephan told me that that might be his cell phone money! This is real progress in my eyes! I really feel like he came up with this cockamamie story, because he was so afraid that if he told the truth, we'd make him pay for it! I also think that "HE thought" that you have to file a police report in order to turn it in on the insurance before they will cover it, which is why he was so worried about us having insurance. You see, he's had three wrecks and the police reports have had to be turned in to the insurance company... I really think that this was what he was thinking.
Two: He HAS done really good lately. He's not been intoxicated for almost two weeks now and he is making so many baby steps. He's going in the right direction for a change!! I honestly think he was afraid of disappointing us! Not that he busted out the windshield, but that it was going to "cost" to get it replaced. He knows that we spent a lot of money on Rehab... and when things start going well- he's costing us money again! Bless his heart... I know that Stephan didn't do this on purpose. That I know for sure. He should have moved my car... but it was an accident!

Stephan came home and we didn't say anything to him. I fixed him something to eat and we all went to bed. The next day, I called the insurance company and told them my car had been attacked by a basketball. I didn't know if our insurance would cover it or not, or if it did, we'd probably owe a deductible large enough to pay for it in full! Anyway, there is not deductible and it covers it in full!! I admit, I was so glad to hear this!

That night- which was last night- Stephan came home around nine o'clock (an hour early!!) and asked about the windshield. Richard told him they were coming to replace it Tuesday. Richard also told Stephan he knew what happened. Stephan immediately chimed in and said, "What, how do you know what happened?" Richard told Stephan he was Sherlock Holmes... He said, "haven't you ever seen that movie?" Stephan squinted, then smirked... Richard invited Stephan outside for an investigation and told Stephan he could be Watson! Richard got the flashlight and told Stephan to bend down and showed Stephan this perfect indention of a basketball right on my hood...

For the next thirty minutes or so, Richard and Stephan talked about honesty. Stephan asked Richard if he thought it was bad luck. Richard didn't quite know what he meant by that and asked Stephan to explain. Stephan told him that things in his life were going good and now this happened, he said, "do you think it's just something like bad luck to get me messed up again?" Richard told Stephan that the only way anything can get him messed up again is if he lets it! He told Stephan that when things seem to be going well for him and one little thing like this goes wrong- Stephan lets that one little thing trip him up and he falls completely off the deep end! He told him that he has to keep on going... and keep his goals in mind... and be honest!

We've decided not to mention it ever again. I know Stephan's lied to us so much in the past and we're trying to get through it all. But I never want Stephan to feel like he can't come to us either, especially in a situation like this. God shows me grace and mercy everyday... I want to extend the same to my son. We have a long road ahead and this was a "speed hump" that slowed us down a bit, but we got over it. I hope that it's a lesson to Stephan in the days ahead that he knows he can come to us with anything.. and just be honest.