Monday, January 23, 2012

The Glass Box

When you are the loved one of someone on drugs, you suffer... Oh, friend how I understand this suffering!

I know for me, if I were to describe how a parent feels as they watch a child wander aimlessly through life on drugs, the scene that plays over and over inside my heart and mind, it would probably look something like this~

The Glass Box- Christel W.

I am standing on the outside of this doorless, windowless, giant, glass box and I am looking in at my son who is inside. I see him in there... There he is, living a life of total self-destruction and because there are no doors or even windows that I could crawl into, I can't enter to rescue him. Because it is made of glass, it is completely soundproof. He can't hear anything outside of this world he lives in, because he's closed himself inside. The enemies are there, they are inside with him! One is the demon alcohol, and the rest of them are the demons of drugs. They are dancing all around him, nagging and biting at him, compelling him to take another pill and drink a little more. They are relentless! They are taunting him with lies about pleasure and escape from the cares of the world! I watch him befriend these ugly, powerful, strongholds that have swallowed him into a life of addiction! I see the darkness of their eyes and their gripping, serrated claws, but he can not! They grasp him even tighter. They are very convincing... Now that they have him in their clutches, they wrap themselves around his shoulders appearing to be kind and gentle, insisting that they are his best friends and that no one loves him as much as they do! He buys into their lies and as he does, they grow more and more powerful as they begin to gain his trust. I know all too well that their goal is to destroy my son's life and they will stop at nothing to do so.

On the outside, I'm standing there, trying to get my son's attention away from these beasts by frantically pounding the glass with my fists until my hands are aching, bruised and swollen from the constant beating. As I see the deception going on inside, I scream at the top of my lungs. My voice becomes raspy and hoarse as I realize ...that my son cannot hear me! I am in a desperate race to try and get his attention away from these torturous enemies! "Can they see me?" Oh yes, you better believe they see me... and will do anything in their power to distract my son's attention away from me!

Oh, finally!! My son sees me and pleasantly smiles back at me with a smile as if he were strolling through a field of wild flowers or something!! He's totally blinded, having no idea -what- so- ever- that he is being served as the main course on his enemies menu! He waves at me- very nonchalantly, as if to say, "Hi Mom!" He seems glad to see me! Now that his eyes are finally fixed upon me, I have to keep his attention! I wave my arms back and forth, making these silent pleas for him not to dare take his eyes off of me! You see, I have located one thing on the inside of this glass prison that is his only hope! This is the one and only thing that these enemies of his want to keep hidden from his sight, the one and only thing they can't touch and the one and only thing I want him to find! It's a "Lifehammer," the ONLY thing that "would" or even "could" break through this glass world in a single blow! It's the one and only thing that would also destroy his enemies at his feet and would expose their wickedness for what it really is! Oh, but they are very clever you see, they have placed blinders over his eyes. He thinks these blinders were a gift, but they are in the form of a really nice pair of sunglasses!! In reality, they were custom made especially for him and his weaknesses, so that he wouldn't be able to see their motives or any plans they have for him. These enemies have worked very hard to gain his loyalty...

I thought to myself, my son trusts "me!" I KNOW he does! I also know that he can see me! The blinders prevented him from seeing his enemies evil, abominable, malicious, wicked schemes. I also know that they are blinding him to the truth, but in a effort to get through to him, I point to his enemies, then I place my hands around my own throat as if I were choking myself, then I point back to his enemies, then to him! He looks at me as if he were confused.... I repeat this process over and over until he realizes what I'm saying! I see him turn to look at them in disbelief. They walk up to his side as if to partner with him against me. They are ruthless in persuading him again that they are his "only" friends and the "only" ones he should listen too. I can't believe it, but my son is satisfied... He looks back at me and shakes his head as if to say, "no." To my horror, I know that he doesn't believe me! In an intense attempt to save his life, I point to the "Life Hammer." He finally sees it! "Oh, thank you God," I think to myself! I showed him, using my hands how to apply the Lifehammer to the glass to break it and break free from his enemies! He looked at me as if I were crazy! I point back at his enemies and yell slowly- (although he can't hear me I pray he can make out what I'm trying to tell him)- I yell, "They.. will.. kill.. you!" He is still not convinced....

I close my eyes and darkness surrounds me. My neck is no longer strong enough to support the weight of my head that now aches from frustration and anxiety. I feel warm tears stream down my face... I feel weak in the knees... I feel faint... As I begin to fall to the ground below, my now, bloody hands cause the glass to cry these high pitched, shrieking noises of nothing but sheer pain and agony... Finally, I am on my knees. I begin to pray to Jesus Christ, the "Lifehammer," the one who sent me, the One who stands and knocks on the doors of all our hearts. I prayed for the life of my son... I prayed that his eyes would soon be opened and his ears will begin to hear! I prayed that he will begin to see through the lies of his enemies. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving that I was able to share the truth with him. I was able to warn him! Most importantly, my son knows the Lifehammer is there with him... He can be saved!

I know that my prayers will never come back void. I trust in the One who can pierce through the darkest, coldest heart, or through any circumstance. I trust that God hears my prayers as I come before Him with my petitions for my son. After all, God loves him more than I do! God is good... He is a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. Oh, how I long for my son to place his trust in Him.

I'm still standing on the outside of this horrible, Glass Box of Addiction waiting...

I realize that my son may never hear "my" voice. I know that when he grows weary and tired; when he realizes he's on a road that leads to nowhere, when he gets his heart broken a few more times and never can seem to find true love and when he learns that all these promises of the enemy were in fact all lies... Then at that time, he may take the Lifehammer into his hands, break free and find true love that will never leave nor forsake him. Love that will help him find his way out of the darkness and into marvelous light...

Then, and only then, will he be free...

Friends, bondage is a bunch of lies from the enemy, which puts us "on" that road that leads to nowhere. It leads to the inside this horrible, Glass Box, so that we remain ineffective for Christ.

Freedom is "life in Christ" and that, my friends, is the road that leads to anywhere!

It's life abundant.
It's life with fulfilment.
It's life with purpose.
It's life with direction.
...It's life worth living.

Oh, how I pray that my son will grab onto the "Lifehammer" and break free from these chains that the enemy is using to keep him in bondage inside this Glass Box of his... My son is still in there.

I pray that when he does take it into his hands and glass shatters all around him, that he is overcome of how much he is loved by the Father...

I know that my heart will be overjoyed...

I will rejoice for answered prayer as my son comes running back into my arms...

Until then...

I remain faithfully His... and I remain...

on my knees... pleading for him to take it and break free.