Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trying to Encourage....

Stephan was home Saturday night. I was so excited! I knew that since he was home- he would go to church with us on Sunday morning. We got up, headed out the door and on the way Stephan said he wasn't going. I thought- ok, you're in the car with us and we will pull up at the church- Where ya gonna go buddy? He had called and made arrangements before leaving home. Someone was on their way to pick him up. My husband and I both talked to him all the way to church about decisions, God, choices, and how "today" can be the first day of the rest of his life! My husband teaches and I have to be there at a certain time as well, so when we arrived, there was no more time to try to coax him to stay. (Like I've said before- the only way to keep Stephan in one place is to tie him down with duck tape.) So... we went in and to my surprise, Stephan followed. He walked down the hall as if he were headed to his class.

Well, Sunday School was over and we were now in worship. As I was singing on stage, I looked for him and didn't see him. Oh, how I've been praying for that boy! I wrote in one of my previous posts that I've been praying for Stephan to have bad dreams that would cause him to wake in a breathless, cold sweat thanking God that it was only a dream!!! Well, he's been plagued by dreams!! He wakes up everyday telling me of another one! He also says that he is not taking LSD anymore!!!!!! He said it is messing with his brain. He said, "I'm afraid it's going to make me stupid." Yes, he said that. He also blames the dreams on LSD- but I know what I prayed.

So, back to Sunday. Since he wasn't there, I decided that I'd take sermon notes for him. I'm really good at writing encouraging letters, notes and cards to Stephan and leaving them on his bed. One particular one was on Proverbs 31 and the kind of woman a guy should look for in a wife : ) I really think Stephan appreciates my efforts. I think it shows I care and that I love him. He never rolls his eyes or says anything negative at all! Sometimes he will say that he'll read it later...

You know, Satan knows exactly when Stephan needs to be at church! He really could have heard some good things Sunday. Things that could break through this cold exterior of his. I wanted to share my notes... They are simple, but full of truth!

1: The Devil hates you!
2: Church is not a place for people who have it all together it's a hospital for the spiritually sick. We are all in need of some type of healing.
3: You are responsible for everyone God brings into your life.
4: Most people look for refuge in all the wrong places. The only place of refuge is the church of the living God.
5: What is more important than having a million dollars? A man's soul!
6: God doesn't love us because of who we are- He loves us because of who HE is!
7: God looks at us not for where we have been or for where we are- He looks at who we could become.
8: God uses us when we begin to use what He gives us.
9: Give of yourself to God's service- Then look at how He helps you!
10: All people want to feel needed, that they belong, appreciated and accepted. Be wise about "where" your value comes from.
11: Satan is always trying to hinder everything we can do for God.
12: We have the advantage of being like Christ.
13: We have the advantage of loving like Christ.
14: We have the advantage of being loved by Christ.

I gave these to Stephan last night and he told me thank you! He never opposes the things of God, he just chooses not to live for Him.

With prayer and encouragement- I hope that soon... my prayers of Stephan turning back to God will be answered. God is working!