Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spiritual Disciplines...

Stephan is staying with a friend- for now! I don't know how much longer that will last, but perhaps it will cause him to start thinking about things. I've talked to him almost everyday and he did yard work the last two days. He's earned a little money at least!

He told me that he went to court last Thursday over the three tickets, but he lied! He didn't go. Now, since he's a "no show," I suppose there's a warrant out for his arrest for Failure To Appear! It's a tangled web he's weaving for himself.

In the mean time, Richard has started teaching a class at church. It's been good that he's been able to focus on preparing for that. He's teaching Spiritual Disciplines. So far, the introduction has been awesome!

A little about the class: It's a class that will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines including:
Scripture reading, prayer, worship, scripture meditation, evangelism, serving, stewardship, Scripture application, fasting, silence and solitude, journaling and learning…

Richard will be illustrating why these disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating each of them!

It's going to be a truly wonderful experience of throwing out “life-as-usual” and taking up new paths where God can transform our lives from the inside out!

As for me- some simple things I've been trying to do in my life in order to try and live a more "spiritually disciplined" life is that I've been working for three weeks now cleaning out every crook and cranny of my ENTIRE house! I'm done!!! If I had two of something, I gave one away.. If I didn't use it, I gave it away. I gave some things to my friends who are adopting a child and are having a benefit yard sale soon. I took some clothes to the consignment store, so I could take the money I earn to buy new things I may need. I'm just tired of "stuff!" I want my heart to be on Heaven not on things of this earth. I am seeking a simple life characterized by being satisfied with what I need rather than what I want -and trying to do things here that just ...matter!

Richard and I also went on a "date" last Friday night! Woo Hoo! We've also been doing Financial Peace through Dave Ramsey, so in order to go on a date and still be "frugal," we went to Zen Berry and had frozen yogurt with a buy one get one free coupon that Richard got!! We haven't been out to eat in almost a month now : )
I'm also trying to do better at planning meals for us and have been packing Richard's lunch everyday. You know, I always make a menu and a list when I go grocery shopping, but as we've been dealing with SO much stuff, there have been days that I've just been completely depressed and haven't felt like cooking. I'd call Richard and tell him to just pick something up... People, I'm trying to pick myself up off the ground! I've got to take care of myself, my husband and my house!

On top of all this, in order to live a more physically disciplined life, I've began training for a 5K! ---- Well, actually, in all honesty- I've been "training" for the TRAINING! My first official training day with my group starts on the 12th! I can't get out there and look bad in front of all my friends now can I? I know, I'm bad... I can't believe I'm even doing this! It's something I've always wanted to do, but I've never been a runner, so it's pretty intimidating... Wish me luck! Oh, and make a wish that I might loose 10 pounds by the end of all this! : )

Blessings to you all!