Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Probation Visit

Stephan's drug test came back clean again for a second time! I am praising the Lord....

We still have battles to fight. I have discovered that he has been drinking some and also got some ADHD medication from a friend. These two drugs do not show up on a drug test...

Although we are still at war, I feel as if some progress is being made, but I can't help feel somewhat helpless as we approach the end of his probation period. Will he fall back down into the deep, darkness that once encapsulated him? Oh, how I am praying not...

He is still his old self. He still has that spark that makes him "Stephan!" He finally has goals. He has plans to attend college and has called twice inquiring about what to take. He's making decisions and is looking for a full-time job!

We went to NC for Christmas and on Christmas Day he and his girlfriend decided to break up. She's going into the air force in seven months and the decision was mutual. I fear depression coming on. He's quiet, but happy... He's not devastated, or it doesn't seem that he is. Sometimes it's hard to tell. He is openly talking to me and Richard about the break-up, which I see as a good thing. He internalizes things at times and I just pray that he doesn't sink... I hope he's gained enough insight these last few months to swim! I pray that I can be encouraging enough to him and loving enough to help him through this. Break-ups are a big deal at his age.

Lord give us strength. Thank you for Your grace and mercy that reaches to the Heavens. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who intercedes for us when we don't know what to pray....
I lift my hands to you..... Protect and guide us. Help us... Keep my son in the palm of your mighty hand.