Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prayers Needed

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Maybe you're thinking that things have been looking a lot brighter around here these days. In some ways, yes, in a lot of ways, no.

Since my last post, Stephan is still working, which is a great positive. He almost was fired a few weeks ago, but miraculously they kept him. He's moved out again and living with a friend. Stephan's doing acid... He's dating a girl. He still has no car. We've decided to just let him have it finally, but the crank shaft is messed up. He's getting rides to work, so maybe it's best. He doesn't live with us. Richard's tried to assist him in finding somewhere for him to get it fixed. Notice I said, "assist." It's been about two months since we noticed it wouldn't crank, and Richard has told him what he needs to do. He even went to the auto supply store to help. They didn't have the part. Richard told him how to get it. Stephan went to order it... it was going to have to be on back order, so Stephan decided that would take too long and told the guy to forget it. If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you know that the part could have been here by now and his car would be on the road! Stephan doesn't do much of anything in order these days.

I bought him a pocket calendar, hoping that would help... I haven't been able to give it to him yet, because I haven't seen him. I did talk to him the other day and told him some suggestions of things he should do... it goes in one ear and out the other. We are trying to let him figure things out. It's the best way for him to come face to face with responsibility.

He had court again the other day for another ticket. I reminded him to ask off work, he forgot... and now there's a warrant for his arrest.

Two weeks ago, he was involved in a huge drug bust. He and two friends were at someone's apartment to buy acid. The dealer had stepped out and wasn't there for some reason. Long story short- the cops came in- questioned the boys. Both the other boys denied that they were there to buy drugs. When they questioned Stephan and asked if he was there to buy drugs, he politely said, "Yes sir, I am!" They arrested the other two boys and let Stephan go because of his honesty!!! Unbelievable... I can't believe this??? They did want to meet Stephan the next day and use Stephan as a decoy to catch someone else who is a big marijuana dealer! I tell you, I pray protection over him and I pray that his eyes would be opened. God gave him yet another chance to get things right!

Last Saturday, I ran my very first 5K! I did great : ) I beat my own personal time by almost 3 minutes!! I was so excited. I just kept saying, "I did it!! I did it!!" : )  The negative of this, ...and I hate to throw in a negative, but I need prayer...  is that I injured my hip flexor muscle and haven't been able to walk since Saturday!! Never, ever throughout my whole training did this happen! It's just unbelievable and so painful!!! I am on crutches and slide around on the hard floor in a wheeled office chair! Yes, I'm a sight. Haha!

Two days ago, my daughter-in-law drove her van to take my son lunch where he works and the van wouldn't crank when she went out to leave. She had to go to the dentist within the next hour, so she took Brandon's jeep and planned on picking him up after work- then go order the part for the van. When she came out of the dentist's office, someone was waiting on her--- because he had backed into the jeep!!!

Brandon and Eliana only have one vehicle now, so she can't come over to be with me during the day and to top it all off-- My husband, Richard had to go to North Carolina on business this morning and won't return for six days! Yes, I need prayer.... I'm sorry to sound whiny today. I've cried off and on... but have to remind myself that things could be much worse. I need to be thankful that I'm healing- and I am.. slowly. That's a lot to praise God for.

Stephan told Richard he would call me. He just found out I couldn't walk yesterday, but I haven't heard from him yet. It's ok... Stephan just won't take our advice and that's ok too. He's going to have to figure this thing out! I trust he will.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future...