Monday, August 15, 2016

God is Good...

Gosh, so much has happened since the last time I posted. I need to post more... I think I say that every time I write this blog... or at least I know I'm thinking it.

We went to the beach in May. We traveled from Wisconsin to Alabama to Brandon and Ellie's house. We stayed at the Hampton nearby one night, then we all left bright and early the next morning to the beach! The babies had never seen the beach, so Jeremiah was extremely excited! We had been planning for this trip for a month!
Ellie asked her friend, Hannah to go with us. When Brandon worked for the same company my husband works for, we got to go on an all expenses paid cruise... there was one ticket unclaimed, because someone had to back out last minute, so Ellie put Hannah's name in the hat- and she got the ticket! I say all of that to say that we've known Hannah for some time. We see her practically every time we go to Alabama. She was there the day Jeremiah was born through the whole birth!

The first time I met Hannah was at the Women's Gala at church about 5 years ago. She sat beside me... I remember thinking about how pretty she was in her green dress. We got to know one another a little that night and as I have explained. I remember thinking that I wished Stephan could find a girl like Hannah... that was during our most difficult times with Stephan. Stephan, five years ago is not the Stephan I know now... but I did think it! And well, the rest is history!

Rainey left last March (5 months ago) if you've been following my story... I've spoken to her through text a few times. Plus, I met with her on one trip to Alabama to give her some of her things that she left behind. She's working on the river at a restaurant. She came to Brandon and Ellie's house and sat and talked to all of us. Stephan was not with us on this trip...It was so good seeing her. When she left, I walked out with her and we embraced... we cried. We were part of one another's lives for a little over 2 years I guess. She got an offer to move to Maine to live with her uncle and to work there, but she has not gone yet, so I'm assuming she turned it down. I really wished she had went. There's been rumor through facebook that some temptations may have overtaken her. She is seeing someone too, which I'm glad for her. I can't help but feel in my heart that the Lord used the time we had together for some kind of good. I tried my best to mentor her in a motherly way... and in a Christian womanly way. She had never had that. She needed love and guidance and I pray that some little token of love from God was spoken to her through me. I pray she finds her footing Lord... away from substance. I pray she finds You...

The beach was just grand! We stayed in Fort Morgan in a house that was almost secluded! We had the whole beach to ourselves! I'm not a beach person... so this was perfect for me! The weather was perfect, the sand was perfect.. everything was just perfect!
We took the corn hole set and bocce ball... The babies had their toys under our shade tent. We all had such a great time. 

Stephan was pretty nervous about spending time with Hannah. Hannah is a little older than Stephan and is now living back home and has started working as a Pharmacy Tech. She was away at Auburn University for 4 years. She came home most every weekend through, which is how I was able to see her when we would go visit Brandon and Ellie! It is SOooo funny that before the beach trip, Stephan had only spent one afternoon with Hannah at Brandon's house last summer. They all built a fire in the back yard and sat out there and talked for several hours. Of course, Stephan and Rainey were still together during that time. That particular night, Rainey was visiting her family. Stephan's always been a faithful boyfriend.. he only commented that Hannah seemed really nice. He said her personality reminded him of me : ) haha.. That's about it!

Back to the beach trip in May... Stephan is 6 foot tall and Hannah is 4'11" !! The waves out in the ocean almost took them with her, so on about day two of the beach trip, Stephan offered her his hand. You know, it was an effort to save her life and doing so kept her from drowning! Every time I looked out- there they were, hand in hand jumping waves.. It was just the sweetest thing. They became inseparable... walks on the beach at night. Mornings watching the sunrise.. I knew what was happening.

Hannah is smart, pretty, stylish, a Christian--- I can't believe she hasn't been snatched up yet! She has only had one kinda real boyfriend and I think he broke her heart - even before she had her first kiss... By first kiss- I mean first ever- in her life first kiss! Ellie told me that Hannah was nervous about the beach trip before we left. I think she liked Stephan, but wanted to get to know him more. She told Ellie that she didn't feel like Stephan would want to date her for her "lack of" experience.. I guess Hannah's last guy and maybe some others had given her that impression... Sad, I know... However, I can't say for sure.

Hannah knows all about Stephan now... She said, "well, everybody makes mistakes!" I think Stephan was over whelmed at her even wanting to spend time with him or have anything to do with him!!! He had made several comments before the beach that once she got to know him, she wouldn't want to date him with all the things he has done in his past...

I have to say that the beach trip ended well. We all had such a wonderful time! Hannah had "eating s'mores on the beach" on her bucket list, and now that one is marked off! No one was badly sunburned and we found almost all the toys in the sand. We ate some great seafood and played cards games at night. We had such a fun time with the babies... Brandon and Ellie had some alone time. Richard and I had some alone time. Stephan found a great, young woman who he now has in his life... and Hannah received her first kiss.

God is good...