Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Court Date

Well, court went fine as court can go. The guy is not in jail. I expected him to come out in a tan jumpsuit like two others I saw, but he didn't. I am guessing someone bailed him out. We did exchange a few stares... his were angry stares, like why are you doing this to me? I couldn't help but "not" feel sorry for him. His temper cost us a couple thousand dollars, you know, -plus Stephan was a victim in this case. (The guy thought Stephan was someone else!!!) I guess he needs to make certain who shoots him the birdie from now on. Yes, he broke Stephan's jaw because he thought Stephan shot him a bird! Maybe he won't break anyone elses jaw from now on!!

When we walked out, he walked to his car. Even though I don't feel sorry for him, there's this motherly part of me that does... I really hate all this for him. I hate what he did to my son and I hate having to sue him... I just hate it all the way around. I really hope that this is a turning point for this young man. I also hope that my own son thinks twice before getting into a brawl with anyone and thinks about taking a swing- unless it's self defense! Stephan did try to defend himself, but this guy tore into him and this guy will have to pay for being really careless...

Our trial date in in May....

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