Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Undeniable Praises

For many of you who have been following my blog- Caleb (Stephan's friend) is home and in recovery from his near fatal motorcycle accident. It may take six months before he is walking again... Richard texted him back and forth the other day and as you know- Caleb just became a dad. Life has really taken a new twist for him. He and his girlfriend are living with his parents... Caleb told Richard to pray for them. He said," I didn't think we were gonna make it for a while. Maybe it was the hormones, but she is taking care of me and she's such a good mom. All I am concerned with right now is providing for my family..."

I was like: Wow! Caleb and Stephan both have a foundation and both know what it means to let God guide their life, but through these past few years they have both been to the school of hard knocks by choice!!! For Caleb to care about providing for his family is an ultimate praise! Perhaps this is what God sent Caleb's way to shake him up a bit. His life was spared....!!!!  I told Caleb in a text that God was watching over him that night. I also reminded Caleb that God has plans for his life. Caleb responded with, " I know...thank you, Love you mom!"  Yes, he calls me mom : )

Stephan is continuing to do well living with Travis- He seems upbeat and happier than I've seen him in a really long while... They are still running and working out! Stephan's still working... Since he opted out of his lease with the apartment he was living in with Rainey, he does have a fine to pay and a utility bill to take care of, but he really seems to be doing well. OH-- and I think I mentioned in a previous post that I suggested that Stephan go to a church that his former youth pastor, Joey is now pastor of! Stephan didn't really want to go to the church we were going to when we left Alabama. I guess for Stephan it was difficult... people knowing his past. I understand that. Well, since moving in with Travis.... (They live right across the street from Pastor Joey's church!!!) I mean... right across the STREET!!!!!!  I just smile at how good God is sometimes!!!!!!!

God, continue to protect Stephan with your mighty hand. Provide for his needs... As I've prayed before- send people his way to speak to him and let it be undeniable that it's You.... Draw him close to You and guide him... Thank you for being a patient God and loving us all right where we are....

In Jesus Name,

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