Thursday, April 9, 2015

Work In Progress.....

Stephan got his license back a week ago. Like I said, he had a wreck and got a DUI a while back. Since then, he's made the decision not to drink liquor again. He's quit for a while, started back, so now, he said he was only drinking beer..... and doing so only on the weekends and only at home. no more drinking and driving. Sometimes he drinks too much beer. Stephan is loud when he's had too much beer and his neighbors have been involved a few times as I've mentioned. Not good.......

Since he and his dad have been working out, Stephan said that beer has too many calories now and he wants to drink liquor again.... but only on the weekends and only at home. His waffling back and forth puts me on my knees quite often! If I'm not on my knees, I pray wherever I am- cleaning the shower, vacuuming... wherever! The Lord does not mind where I talk to Him! I actually scrub harder when I'm praying for Stephan....

If I lived in a perfect world where I could make decisions for my Stephan and he would actually listen I'd have him not drinking at all and he would like it!

I look back through the years by way of posts on this blog and I am so grateful that we are not where we were. We've come away from hard drugs and now we're dealing with alcohol, but I am thankful to my God daily that we've walked a few hundred miles and are not where we were.

Stephan came over yesterday to work out before Richard got home and we talked for about 30 minutes (while his pre-workout kicked in.) It's wonderful to have him in our basement caring about his health. He and Rainey have even stopped drinking soft drinks! They drink the liquor- but not Dr. Pepper! I have to insert a little smile here.... While some things are good, other things are not, over all- things are really, really good.

Stephan is still working hard and has built his credit up enough to purchase this other car he just bought all on his own. He totaled the last one in the wreck. This has been 5 cars he has totaled... I may not have mentioned the forth car he wrecked. He drove it off into a hole down at the driving range one night. That was eventful! He was drunk-- and just drove.. it.. off.. into.. a.. hole! He called Richard to come pull him out and when Richard got there, all he could see was Stephan's head and his eyes peering at him from the pit his car had disappeared in. When Richard walked over, he was only able to see the back end of the car sticking up out of the mire!!! Pulling it out was not an option!! They called a wrecker to avoid cops, another DUI, and of course, lost the money in his car that the insurance company would have covered if it had been a legitimate accident!

So anyway, back to the latest car-- We went to the dealership with him and he actually sat there with a calculator in hand, making sure he could afford the car and the insurance along with all his other bills before signing on the dotted line. I was very proud of him for making sure he could pay all of his bills before he bought the car!

We are still a work in progress here.... I pray to the Lord to use me in Rainey's life. I pray he uses Richard and I both in Stephan's life and hers. They continue to go to church with us. I am most grateful for that!!!!!!

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