Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Little Updates

Well, things didn't work out with Samantha for Stephan. I really don't even think he wanted it to work out. After all this time, I think he still loves Rainey. She came to visit a few weeks ago! She and Stephan stayed in a hotel... Not exactly what I would have wanted of course. They made all the arrangements, she flew here and they were together for several days until she returned to Alabama. Rainey is going to college and is working in a restaurant. I am proud of her for going to college. That's definitely a step in a good direction. She wants to become a nurse. She's really smart- I have no doubts that she will become one if she continues and doesn't change her mind.

Some other things that have happened lately is that Richard and Stephan are in Alabama even as I write this. A long, long... long time ago, I wrote about Stephan's wreck...  The one that involved two other kids. They were all drunk and Stephan wrecked the car... The one boy's mother is trying to sue our insurance company for gazzilions of dollars because her son fractured his hip and had to be on pain meds. I will have to note just out of plain frustration that this kid admitted to Stephan afterward that he was really enjoying the meds! Richard and I even took this kid out to dinner after the wreck. You see, at the time he didn't have a father figure in his life. He was making bad choices just as Stephan was and Richard was trying to talk to him to help him along in his life. This boy's mother knew that Richard was "mentoring" him in a sense- or trying too what little time we seen the boy. So- in return for our kindness, she tries to sue. It's been like four years since this wreck!!! I had thought by now that she'd just dropped it! Kids will be kids and make stupid decisions... but no!

I completely understand that Stephan was driving! It takes an irresponsible, immature teenager to drive drunk! It also takes an irresponsible, immature teenager to get in the car drunk with someone else who's drunk! They were both equally stupid at the time.... so was the other girl.. she was drunk too!

Richard just said that they're choosing the jury... I really hope this can be over with soon. Stephan's doing really well. Compared to where we were years ago and where we are now--- it's night and day! He's working 40 hours a week! I look at him sometimes and just can't believe that God loved us so much to move us when he did to get Stephan away from all the people he was with and stuff he was doing.

I knew when we moved here that God had plans in this Wisconsin move. We've been here for almost a year. Hard to believe! The president of the company Richard works for is now looking for another location. They have made an offer on one! I have to laugh... You'll never, ever guess where! As you know, our other son, his wife and baby, Jeremiah live in Alabama. You may also remember how difficult this move was for me leaving them. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life... Are you ready? This facility is in Tennessee!!!! It's a two hour drive from Brandon, Ellie and Jeremiah! If God works this out.... oh my gracious... it will be a miracle! A miracle that our trust and faith would lead us to WI, save Stephan's life, then take us back near our family, but still far enough away that Stephan can continue living and growing as a young man. Since Stephan works for the same company as my husband, he would transfer too! If this came to pass- how awesome a God we have for orchestrating such a thing? Unbelievable... just crazy awesome!!! If God chooses a different road. If this facility falls though- I know that God is in control. I've seen Him do too much to even think that He has left my side!

We also discontinued going to the small church. We are back to the big one we really liked. I just won't go into it all... just wasn't where we were supposed to be, although I thought maybe it was. We are learning and growing here. Stephan is still going with us, although he missed a Sunday a few weeks ago. He stayed over night with a friend from work and his kids. They were probably drinking.... Although I really, really wish he wasn't from time to time... I am so very thankful that he is where he is. He's made so much progress. This journey is a process for Stephan. Just as we all go through "processes" at times, this is his.... I continue praying for my beautiful boy. He's got so much to offer this world. He has a good heart, he's kind, he helps people...

The guy he spends time with sometimes is having it pretty hard financially. He and his girlfriend have four kids, which Stephan adores... Stephan's helped him a few times. Stephan has a giving heart.

I'm very thankful today as my son is healthy and with us. He's probably being reminded of past wrongs even as we speak. I hope it's a stepping stone. I hope it teaches him something good. Something that will further cast him into being the man God created him to be.

Dear Lord God, keep your hands on all my children. For Stephan, speak to him and teach him. Comfort him and hold him. For Brandon, give him eyes to see his wife's needs. To seek out ways to support her and bring her joy. For Eliana, give her a heart to except Brandon for his wonderful qualities and focus on those alone. For my little Jeremiah, Lord watch over him and keep him safe. Protect his little heart. Make him strong, wise and gentle in spirit. May Brandon and Ellie see him as you do and love him unconditionally.

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