Tuesday, February 4, 2014


February is the month I became a mother- twice! My boys birthdays are coming up! Brandon was born on Feb. 14th and Stephan was born Feb. 9th! They will turn 21 and 23 years old this month : ) I was reading over some things I've wrote in the past and wanted to share this today in honor of my boys. There may be more to come as this month goes by who knows... It's Motherhood month for me : ) LOL ------- enjoy : ) 

In my quiet time this morning, I was pondering over motherhood…  Oh how I miss it!!!! I was thinking back on times spent with my boys. One special memory that came to mind this morning was that I taught Brandon and Stephan how to build a fort in the woods! I taught them how to gather sticks and twigs for walls and roofs and moss for their beds inside! Such fun times…  These little forts (and the fact that their aunt was in the Military) became the inspiration for them to become “Army Men,” which eventually led to a Club called W.A.C.T.A.C . (We are Christ’s Team Army Club)  The “club” became the inspiration for a Club HOUSE, which we painted Green and had the letters W.A.C.T.A.C.  written across on the front! I even made the boys and their friends W.A.C.T.A.C.  T-shirts and hats- We went through 2 sets of these!  

Soon the T-shirts were set aside and their wardrobe became full Camouflage gear! All dressed up from head to toe, no matter the temperature- Brandon would have his Walkie Talkie tucked inside his little shirt pocket. If he needed me I would hear, “Scrrrrrrr--Mama bird, Mama Bird, come in Mama bird, this is Baby Bird, -come in!”  I would reply, “Scrrrrrrr- Hey Baby Bird, this is Mama Bird, What do you need Baby Bird, -come in!”  Well, ...It usually had something to do with peanut butter and jelly!! : )

I was very proud that Brandon named his club after our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. It was at least one little sign that Richard and I were doing “something” right in the midst of all the mistakes!! Can I get a witness?? 

As I pondered all these thoughts today, I was also taken back to the days that I struggled as a mom! Every day wasn’t all about forts and making little shirts.  Some days, I had moments that I would escape to the bathroom, because it was the only place I could be by myself!  Still.. little fingers and toes were poking from underneath with little voices repeating over and over saying, “Mommy, whea  ah you, wet me in!”  Maybe you’re a stay at home mom right now and you feel just plain worn out -and you haven’t even cleaned the house yet!!!  You’re overwhelmed with piles of laundry, dirty dishes, temper tantrums- and you haven’t shaved your legs in a week! Maybe you also feel like your ministry has been put on hold during these child rearing years… 

You’ve heard the old saying- “If I knew then what I know now, I’d change some things.”  I didn’t learn this lesson myself until later on…  My boys were 5 and 7… Richard and I had only known the Lord for a few years. We were – and still are- a work in progress!  But back to then- --I began to homeschool.  I became my boy’s teacher! I was a kindergarten and second grade teacher! My curriculum was Christian based and incorporated Christ, His Word and His Teachings in every subject!  As I homeschooled my boys over the next 5 years, I realized during those years that I didn’t have to Homeschool to become my children’s teacher- I already WAS and I didn’t even realize it! I had been their teacher since the very beginning and it took me 7 years to figure it out! There were a few years I needed to make up for!!  On a side note, I loved homeschooling…  It was awesome for our family! I also understand that it’s not for everyone… but it was THIS experience that God taught ME a valuable lesson.  : ) 

If you’re a mother, YOU are a teacher.  In the hustle and bustle of each day that went by, I also realized that Motherhood is not a DUTY --it’s a CALLING! It’s not about getting things done… it’s about being of the Lord’s business!  My relationship with God, My husband, My children and My home WERE my greatest ministries… and in that order!  I had put nothing on HOLD!!  “I” was in the midst of the greatest ministry I would ever have in my LIFE! A calling from God to help mold, shape and equip my children to be future “soldiers” for Christ -and for that moment, they were WACTAC members!  
We are called to teach and to train our little ones in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they will not depart from it –Proverbs 22:6  

Motherhood is a calling from God “for Him” to use “us” as His vessel to build a solid foundation for these little ones we tuck in at night. A solid foundation never means our little ones won’t wander... Just as God is our great shepherd, He is the example for us as parents to always go after the one who strays and bring him in.  And when they do come back, they WILL ALWAYS have something solid to hold on too! 

Mothers are the model of grace for their children…  We instill grace into our children by choosing encouraging words, words that build up, never tear down…  Words that inspire a repentant little heart and words that teach to give and receive forgiveness.

Mothers inspire purpose and a sense of God’s presence and Love in a child’s life.

Mothers inspire faith in God and His Word.

Mother’s teach their children to have a kind and compassionate heart toward those in need.

So, if you feel down trodden today…  Smile sista! You are involved in the most powerful ministries you may ever see fulfilled, which is following Christ’s example in reaching and teaching your children. A mother and child is a discipleship relationship that involves training your children to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ! -Don’t get any better than that! 

Dishes? …What Dishes?  “Dishes” will always be waiting on you tomorrow… an opportunity to impact your child’s life may only last for a moment… 

If your children are 5 and 7 like mine were… or whether you have a new born, or your child is grown… It’s never, ever too late to realize your calling! Your children will always need you, your prayers, your advice or a listening ear. 

Thought for you to ponder:  Can you imagine what your children may do for the Kingdom of God one day that may become a beautiful result of your sacrificial living, loving and giving now?  Possibilities are endless……. Because all things are possible with God.

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