Monday, March 14, 2016

Visit to Alabama in November/December

During the month of November we visited our son, his wife and our two precious little pumpkins! It was Thanksgiving... Richard and I drove down. I had so much to look forward too on this trip, because I was going to be bringing my two babies back with me to Wisconsin for eleven days, then return December 9th. I had cleaned my heart out preparing for my sweeties! I bought more toys, a high chair and a pack-n-play to have here for them. I was soooo excited! I could hardly contain my excitement!!!

The trip down was great! When we arrived, Jeremiah and Andrew were waiting for us at the door. When I see them, the rest of the world doesn't exist until I get my hands on them! I love Jeremiah's "littleness" and his wee voice yelling, "Miiii Miiiiii --- BIG DADDY!!! He jumps up and down, then runs to hug us! Andrew is usually smiling, taking it all in, trying to figure out why big brother is so excited- THEN- he starts reaching, because he all of a sudden recognizes us from facetime!!! It's simply the best moment of my life and only gets better as the days go by. They go by way too fast... However, this time, it didn't have to end, because they were coming home with ME!

We had such a good Thanksgiving. Ellie and I cooked. When I wasn't cooking, I was in the floor playing with the babies... We also celebrated Andrew's first birthday while we were there. I can't believe he's getting so big. Jeremiah's birthday is at the first of January, so we had his birthday party too. Their birthdays are actually only weeks apart and since we would be coming back for Christmas early, we wouldn't be coming back for Jeremiah's party. It all worked out and the boys had a fun filled Mickey Mouse clubhouse birthday!

The day we left with the babies, traffic did not cooperate at all. What was normally an eleven and a half hour drive turned into thirteen! They did great though... I had everything set up when we got home, so I put them straight to bed. Jeremiah had no problem sleeping in his little bed and Andrew drank his milk and slept in the bedroom with me.

In the morning, I heard Jeremiah open the door to his bedroom. I didn't hear footsteps... He wasn't moving at all. I imagined he might be confused as to where he was. All of a sudden I hear, "Eeellllooooo??" I whispered his name, trying not to wake Andrew, who was still sleeping in the pack-in-play at the foot of my bed. I heard his sweet little footsteps heading for the sound of my voice. He climbed up into the bed with me and we snuggled for a while until he thought playing with my iPad might be a little more fun...

The next eleven days were like a dream. We played, snuggled, read books, played with race cars, and rode the tricycle in the basement! Jeremiah got to see it snow, so of course we went outside... We went to the mall and to the fire station! I got to kiss them all I wanted! It was awesome!

The day came that we were going to have to head back to Alabama. I packed their little clothes with sadness in my heart, knowing the next time I came home, they wouldn't' be with me. I knew Mommy and Daddy were looking forward to seeing them again!

Stephan and Rainey went back with us this trip. We had to buy a "top of the car" big plastic thingy that you put luggage in. I don't know what it's called... Anyhow, we actually needed it! We were planning on driving half way with the babies to make this trip a little easier on them, so I had to take the pack-in-play, plus luggage for six people and Christmas gifts! UM, The car thingy was nice!

On the way down, we all played car games, trivia crack and more. Stephan is always the life of the party during road trips! He usually keeps us awake- he's quite entertaining! We stayed at the Hampton in Indiana and all of us slept great. I was a little nervous about the boys being in a hotel, but we got two rooms and Andrew did fine in his little bed. Jeremiah slept with Big Daddy!

We had a lot of plans on this trip. My sister, Cindy and my mom were coming down for Christmas and also to surprise Brandon! He had just completed the Police Academy and his graduation was during this visit! When we all finally arrived, Brandon was still an hour or so from getting home from the Academy, so Mama and Cindy hid from him. He went to the laundry room to take off his gear and they were in there. I thought Brandon was going to cry... he was so glad they were there.

We got to spend a lot of quality time with everyone in Alabama on this trip. Stephan stayed with us mostly. I told Richard that it was so nice, because in times past, he would come over to visit his brother and family, but he'd be with Caleb and other friends a little more. This visit, he stayed with us at the hotel all but one night and was at Brandon's every day. He did leave and spend one night with Caleb. He and Rainey also visited her family some. It was a great visit to say the least.

My son, Brandon's graduation was on the 10th. He graduated at the top of his class! Academically, he came in second... wow! He was awarded "Top Shot." He was also nominated to be the chaplain, so he was on stage the entire time and opened and closed in prayer. I took many pictures and couldn't have been more proud of him that day.

During the next few days, we opened gifts and had the most wonderful time. Mama and Cindy went back a day before us. It was so good to see them. It's always hard saying goodbye. We all cried... I don't get to visit NC as often as I'd like.

We came back on a Sunday. The trip back was good. Stephan, as always, came up with games to play. We laughed, slept, talked... it was great, quality time. We didn't get home too very late, but came in and crashed.

The next morning, I woke up as I knew I would to all the toys strewn about and the little beds still made. I did cry.... I am also satisfied with them being back with Mommy and Daddy... I'm just not satisfied being so far away from them. I cleaned up the toys and washed the bedding, but not before I smelled of their blankets that still carried their scent. I left all of their little finger prints that painted my dining room windows. They could be there just ....a little longer....

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