Thursday, May 26, 2016

Finding God- Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here

Stephan came over a few Saturday's ago after he had been to the gym and he was totally perplexed! He had a wrestling in his spirit like I had never seen! He laid down on the love seat and I was on the couch. He wouldn't even look at me much- He was like Jacob wrestling with the Angel! That's what it reminded me of anyway!

He became friends with Kyle while Rainey was still here. I think she met him first. I don't know how the relationship started, but anyway Kyle and his girlfriend continued to come over even after Rainey left. I don't think Stephan had ever been to Kyle's house, but one Friday night he did... I know they drank some. Stephan still drinks on Friday night. Long story short-- Kyle's girlfriend made her intentions known to Stephan! Stephan was extremely angry at her after the fact... and now worried about how to tell Kyle that his girlfriend made the moves on him! He told us that she was messed up in the head anyway and Kyle probably needs to move on himself, but Stephan being Stephan.. hates to hurt anyone.

He finally told Kyle- a few days later. He was mad at Stephan! I guess that's a normal first response... Later Kyle was mad at his girlfriend, but from my understanding he was still dating her! Stephan said Kyle was stupid! He later said he really needed to find better friends and stop drinking.

So, back to Saturday-- As we laid in the living room talking... and Stephan's wrestling within himself, he was still talking about having a relationship with God. He mentioned talking to Drake again that morning as they worked out. He said, "You know, Drake's gonna be a great dad..." He said that Drake was concerned about being too strict and unloving like his own dad. I told Stephan that if Drake is thinking about these things now and making himself aware of it, that he would most likely be a wonderful dad!

After this conversation, Stephan went back to sin again. I had to remind him that God had forgiven him! I also said, "I ain't gonna lie, you still need to work on this drinking thing- because every time you do, nothing good comes of it! Look at last Friday night!" He said, "I know Mom..." I told him that walking with God is a day by day thing. Rome wasn't built in a day. I told him how proud of him I was and mentioned the things he was very successful in like his finances! He's very good with his money and never asks for anything.

I can't remember how long we talked allowing him to wrestle with himself and with God and living life with purpose and exactly what that purpose was, but it was at least an hour and a half. The Holy Spirit is speaking to him.

Holy Sprit you are welcome here...  Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere...
Your glory God is what our hearts long for...To be overcome by Your presence Lord....

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