Thursday, May 26, 2016

Growing Faith in God

I've really got to start posting more. After Rainey left, Richard and I went to Alabama about a month later. It was in April. I had a few things to give her like her Bible that she left. Her grandfather had given it to her... I will admit, I was a little nervous about seeing her again. Part of me was glad I was getting to see her and there was this other part of me that felt I needed to let her go. I guess that's where my anxieties were coming from. If Rainey ever, ever needed me for anything, I'd be there. I grew to love her after all. However, down deep, I couldn't help but face the realization that if she and Stephan married one day- I have no idea what kind of wife and mother she would be... Her own mother is a drug addict and Rainey seems to want to live in that life style. It was just a scary thought.

So- anyway, she came to Brandon's and she and I both had tears in our eyes at different times. We had a nice visit and when she was leaving, I walked her out. We both embraced and cried. I told her I loved her. She's such a sweet girl! She just has lots and lots of baggage and she wasn't willing to lay down the marijuana while she was in Wisconsin. She enjoys it. She and Stephan both went to church with us while she was here... Even hearing the word of God, she wasn't willing to sway from what she believed... such as marijuana being ok. She had her opinions, but not a heart change.

When we arrived back in Wisconsin, Stephan was very glad to see us! We talked about our visit to Alabama. He talked about the gym and a guy he met there. This guy makes YouTube videos and wants to own his own gym one day... I have been praying that Stephan's atmosphere would change as far as friends go. I have been praying for God to send him like-minded friends that he could draw encouragement and inspiration from. He and Stephan became friends on Face Book.

Stephan works with Drake. Drake and Stephan go to the gym together after work. I think it's wonderful that Stephan has someone to go with to be accountable too. Drake also goes to Richard's Bible Studies at work every other Thursday and is about to become a father for the first time. He and Christina are expecting twins! Believe it or not, Drake and Stephan have been talking about life, father hood, marriage, etc... Drake grew up with a very strict father that he feared. He told Stephan that if he had done all the stuff he had done, his father would have killed him or disowned him! Stephan told Drake that we had kicked him out of the house several times and let him suffer... but we never stopped loving him. I think their conversation made Stephan feel bad about himself though... Stephan came to Richard and talked to him about it. He told Richard that he felt bad about putting us through all we did and he appreciated and loved us for loving him and having his back through it all. Richard also took an opportunity to talk to Drake about Christ. He talked about love and forgiveness... and grace. I think God is using Richard and Stephan both in Drake's life and at the same time, Drake's questions are causing growth in Stephan... I'm praising God for that...

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